Recently, I was assigned to create a playlist of songs reflecting my belief of the role of technology in teaching and learning. The songs I chose are as follows:
Everybody Talks by Neon Trees:
Tech and social media platforms give opportunity for people from all different walks of life to contribute to the global conversation revolving around education. This ability to contribute gives people the opportunity to share anything and everything they consider to be helpful, including tools, advice and resources for fellow educators, and educators specifically in their concentration area. Additionally, social media can act as a network for personal and professional development as an educator within the educational world.
Tape Deck by Jack Johnson:
Technology has multiple roles in the classroom, and because of the endless possibilities that tech in education poses, we as educators should be open to trying new things, being ready and willing to fail, being open to learning from our mistakes all the while holding excitement and optimistic of how we can best reach our students and appeal to their learning styles via the use of technology (i.e, determining what apps we can use to help students develop their understanding of a subject area).
Good People by Jack Johnson
Sometimes it's hard to recognize the role that technology can play in the mathematics classroom, and teachers can be hesitant to try new things or to incorporate new technologies into their practices. But, as tech becomes an integral part of the educational experience, it's important to overcome our fears and biases of technology in mathematics classrooms!
Here's the link to my playlist!
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